Proposed 2024-25 Rules for Coastal Steelhead: A Conservation Perspective
Queets River
Proposed 2024-25 Rules for Coastal Steelhead: A Conservation Perspective
Bait Ban: A Logical Step Forward
For coastal steelhead, eliminating bait use is an obvious and necessary measure. During a presentation to the Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission's Fish Committee, Washington Fish and Wildlife fishery managers recently proposed new 2024-25 season rules. One significant change is the removal of bait usage during December, which was previously suggested to target hatchery steelhead—this outdated approach aimed to manage the proportion of hatchery-origin fish in coastal watersheds. However, the primary concern is the impact of this highly effective and lethal method on the remaining early-returning wild steelhead. These early returners represent a critical life history strategy in original coastal steelhead populations, which must be recovered to ensure resilience as watershed hydrology shifts due to climate change.
The Wild Steelhead Coalition supports a more straightforward and more conservation-oriented solution to reduce the prevalence of hatchery steelhead without jeopardizing wild populations.
Boat Fishing on the Hoh: Balancing Conservation and Equity
Another proposed rule would permit fishing from boats on the Hoh River despite solid evidence from a recent study showing significantly higher steelhead catch rates from boats compared to shore fishing. Such high encounter rates pose serious risks to steelhead populations, mainly when numbers are critically low—hence, the previous decision to ban boat fishing. Conservation concerns aside, regulating boat fishing also promotes a fairer fishing experience. Boat anglers consistently catch more fish and cover more ground than bank anglers. Restricting boat fishing spreads out catch opportunities, creating a more equitable dynamic for all anglers.
Studies have shown that when the most effective fishing method—such as boat fishing—is restricted or banned, the success rates of other methods, like shore fishing, improve. Managing fishing pressure this way also prevents overly compressed seasons and allows for broader access to fishing opportunities.
Reopenings and Closures: Striking a Balance
The red point is the forecast for the coming season while the dotted line is escapement.
Good news for anglers: improved expected returns have led to proposals to reopen parts of the Chehalis and Humptulips Rivers this winter. However, we support closing these rivers on April 1 to protect spawners. At the time of the meeting, fishing on the Queets and Clearwater rivers remained under discussion with co-managers. Since then, Olympic National Park and the state have established a new rule that the Queets will close on December 16th, but the Clearwater will remain open. According to park management, the forecasted return of wild steelhead is below the management goal, which begs the question of why the state has chosen to open the Clearwater.
Conservation Risks: Steelhead at Moderate Risk of Extinction
The recent Endangered Species Act Status Review has identified the Olympic Peninsula steelhead population as having a "moderate risk of extinction.
Conservation must remain the top priority as we navigate these complex issues. Careful regulation, equitable fishing practices, and habitat recovery are essential to ensuring the long-term survival of Washington’s iconic coastal steelhead.