A Precarious Moment for Fisheries Management

At a time when U.S. fisheries face mounting ecological pressures—from climate change to habitat degradation—the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is being forced to contend with severe budget reductions. These cuts threaten the foundation of science-based fisheries management in the United States. With staff reductions, project cancellations, and curtailed research capacity, NOAA's ability to monitor fish populations, enforce sustainable harvest regulations, and restore degraded ecosystems is being compromised just when it is most urgently needed.

These impacts will ripple through coastal communities, Indigenous fisheries, commercial and recreational sectors, and the fragile ecosystems on which they all depend. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the case of wild steelhead.

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Protecting Our Wild Trout: A Call for Policy Change

The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) is revising its policy for wild trout harvest. It presents an opportunity to make meaningful changes that prioritize the long-term health of wild native trout populations. As stewards of these invaluable resources, we must ensure this policy reflects modern science, addresses emerging threats, and protects the interconnected life histories of resident and anadromous trout.

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Wild Steelhead Coaltion
WDFW Coastal Steelhead Town Hall Meeting Re-Cap

At the recent WDFW Coastal Steelhead Town Hall meeting, a key focus was the significant increase in wild steelhead runs, particularly in the Hoh and Quillayute rivers. Last season’s redd counts on the Hoh River were notably high, contributing to the estimated escapement used to calculate the total run size and harvest numbers. If current preliminary estimates hold, this year’s run size for the Hoh River would mark a record-setting increase, the highest in several decades.

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Wild Steelhead Coaltion
WSC Letter and Comments on Wild Trout Policy Development

On behalf of the Board of Directors and membership of the Wild Steelhead Coalition, please consider the following comments and recommendations regarding the current management and conservation strategies for wild trout in our state. Based on recent evaluations and scientific evidence, we believe the following changes are necessary to ensure the long-term sustainability and health of wild trout populations.

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Save Our Wild Salmon released Lost River, a limited-edition print with an essay by renowned author and conservationist David James Duncan, in 2005. Photographer Frederic Ohringer created the image, and Patagonia underwrote the project.   

  The words are as poignant today as they were 19 years ago.   

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What's The Skinny On The Adipose Fin?

Every steelheader recognizes that small fin on the back of the fish just forward of the tail, the adipose fin. Adipose fins are only found in a few groups of fish, notably the Salmonidae, or salmon and trout family (including whitefishes and grayling), but also several other groups of fish that many of you have probably never heard of unless you are a fish geek.

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Wild Steelhead Coaltion
Learning to Swim: The Early Life of Steelhead and its Implications for Management - Part Two

In Part 1, we left off with an outstanding question that has not been evaluated for steelhead: Do their offspring stay close to home like Atlantic Salmon and Brown Trout, or do they disperse broadly? In review, if the fry are highly mobile, then high density and intense competition would likely lead them to seek out unoccupied habitats rather than reduce survival. If they stay close to home, then high densities will lead to increased mortality, and in that case, we must know something about the distribution of spawning adults to make inferences about habitat capacity.

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Wild Steelhead Coaltion
The Boats Are Back In Town

On November 30, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife announced the 2023-2024 coastal steelhead season. Included are special rules allowing the expansion of fishing from a floating device on two sections of the Hoh River during certain days of the week. This conservation measure, touted to help minimize impacts on wild steelhead, is a surprising reversal from the last couple of years that recognized the need to limit this highly effective fishing method at a time of chronically low steelhead returns.

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Wild Steelhead Coaltion